The God Who Welcomes

On this fourth Sunday of Lent, Pastor Lydia preached on the famous gospel lectionary passage of the prodigal son (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32). Though many of us have heard this story many times, the Walnut Bible study group, in studying the passage this past week, heard a unique message from the holy spirit, which Pastor Lydia conveyed. Tune in to listen in.

The choir performed “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” as the introit and a sung Amen.

Many thanks to Jeff Chamlee who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

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The Gardener

On this Sunday, Pastor Lydia preached on the gospel lectionary passage where Jesus shares that repentance is important for everyone, no matter how holy or unholy we think we are (Luke 13:1-9). But won’t worry, this is a comforting message rather than an intimidating one. Watch the service to see why.

The choir performed “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” as the introit and a sung Amen.

Many thanks to Jay Swartz who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Be a Chicken

On this second Sunday of Lent, Pastor Lydia preached on the gospel lectionary passage for that day, Luke 13:31-35. Comparing people to foxes, hens, and chicks, Jesus had a powerful message to convey to his listeners and of course, to us.

The choir performed “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” as the introit and a sung Amen.

Many thanks to Jackie Navarro who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

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Tests and Temptations

On this first Sunday of Lent, the gospel passage from the lectionary was Luke 4:1-13, where Jesus goes into the wilderness for 40 days and there, encounters tests and tribulations. Pastor Lydia shared how tests and temptations are not only inevitable, they are important parts of our own growth processes. Therefore, the invitation is not to resist them, but to welcome those tests and temptations and pass them in order to elevate to a higher level of being. It was also a Communion Sunday.

How lovely it was to have the choir back live this morning, who performed “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” as the introit and “The Communion Song.”

Many thanks to Manny Don who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Transfiguration Sunday

Oh yikes, what a Transfiguration Sunday it was! Pastor Lydia’s computer transfigured into darkness and shut down. But, we still moved forward and the spirit faithfully met us in worship. Pastor Lydia preached about how the disciples (and we) tend to lean out or distract ourselves during moments of deep connection and how to prepare ourselves to truly show up the next time around. Don Driftmier was our liturgist. Thanks to Linda Wilford and Michaela Hill for recording the service.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries: