The Second Sunday of Easter

On this second Sunday of Easter, we focused on the gospel passage where Jesus appears to his disciples after his crucifixion. They are terrified and feel betrayed. In their turmoil, Jesus meets them and offers them peace and empowerment. Where in our lives are we terrified and need peace and empowerment? Tune into the service to reflect and receive Jesus’ enlivening breath of life.

The choir performed “Open Our Eyes, Lord,” a sung Amen, and “Love Is Our Theme.”

Many thanks to Michael Peeler who was our liturgist, Andreya Custodio who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

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Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen! Hallelujah! Tears welled up as we remembered that it had been three years since we last celebrated Easter in-person as a congregation. As such, this service felt especially celebratory. Pastor Lydia preached on the gospel passage that describes women finding an empty tomb (Luke 24:1-12). The reactions of Jesus’ followers run the gamut in this passage, from unbelief to instant belief to instant curiosity, which is to be expected. Yet, God invites us through this passage to start seeing not only with our minds and eyes, but to start seeing with the eyes of our hearts. When we do this, we will truly know and understand what it means to be a people of resurrection.

The choir performed “Open Our Eyes, Lord,” a sung Amen, and “Then Came the Morning.”

Many thanks to Don Driftmier who was our liturgist, Andreya Custodio who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, we waved palms and prepared our hearts for Holy Week. Pastor Lydia preached on the gospel passage where Jesus processes into Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowds spontaneously create a royal procession for him. Have there been spontaneous events in your life that seemed divinely orchestrated? Tune in to reflect…

The choir performed “Open Our Eyes, Lord,” a sung Amen, and “Festival of Palms.”

Many thanks to Louisa Amezcua who was our liturgist, Andreya Custodio who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Generosity Versus Practicality

On this fifth Sunday of Lent, Pastor Lydia delved into the passage of John 12:1-8, where Jesus dines with his closest friends and at that gathering, Mary spends her most expensive perfume washing Jesus’ feet. Judas admonishes her wasteful action but Jesus has something else to say…

The choir performed “Open Our Eyes, Lord,” a sung Amen, and “Come to the Table.” It was also a Communion Sunday, where the congregation participated in a beautiful sung communion liturgy.

Many thanks to Pam Zwingman who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries: