Exciting News from our District Superintendent! Let’s welcome Pastor Lydia and her family into our community!
“On behalf of Bishop Grant Hagiya and his Cabinet I share with you that after much prayer and consultation, it is Bishop Grant Hagiya’s intent to appoint Rev. Lydia Sohn to serve as your interim pastor effective January 1, 2022. Reverend Lydia is a gifted and experienced pastor who has served for a number of years in the California-Pacific Conference. Reverend Lydia is a spirit-filled leader and preacher with a rich experience in worship, music, young people’s ministry, outreach and stewardship. As a church leader and developer, she is uniquely gifted to lead Walnut UMC into an era of vibrant growth. She will work together with Rev. Dr. Krista Givens and your lay leadership for a smooth and effective ministry transition.
On behalf of our Bishop, I thank you for your faithfulness, and ask you to hold these two fine pastors and their families in your prayers during this time of change.
In ministry together, Rev. Dr. Siosaia F. Tu’itahi
District Superintendent
East District”