Vacation Bible School Registration is Now Open!

Vacation Bible School is BACK! Instead of mornings, it will be an all-family program that takes place every Wednesday evening in July from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. That means both parents and kids between the ages of 3 and 12 are welcome! This will be a chance for parents to have a wonderful spiritual bonding time with their children as well as other adults.

The program theme this year is “Discovery on Adventure Island” and it includes dinner, activities, crafts, music, Bible stories, and more!

Registration is now open! Register at

Steadiness Amidst Change

On this sixth Sunday of Easter, we focused on one of the pivotal moments in the life of the early church–when Simon Peter has a vision that all are included in God’s family, not just the Jews (Acts 11:1-18). How does this vision have relevance for us today when there are so many divisions, even within the United Methodist Church? Tune in to reflect and worship together with us.

The choir performed “His Name is Wonderful,” “O, Lord Hear My Prayer,” and “When the Storms of Life are Raging.”

Many thanks to Louisa Amezcua who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Love One Another

On this fifth Sunday of Easter, we had the pleasure of welcoming our District Superintendent, the Rev. Dr. Siosaia Tu’itahi as the preacher. He delivered a moving sermon about the kind of love Jesus asks of us based on John 13:31-35.

Many thanks to Carol Coy who was liturgist, Emily and Carroll Martin who led the children’s time, Austin Lei who served as acolyte, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, Grace Amador who was the pianist, and of course, the choir!

The choir performed “His Name is Wonderful,” “O, Lord Hear My Prayer,” and “Blest Are They.”

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Mother’s Day

On this Mother’s Day, the New Testament lectionary passage was about a woman who died and her community mourned her loss. Based on the passage, the only things we know about her was that she was beloved and that she made clothes for her community. Pastor Lydia explored the significance of handmade items in our lives and we had the privilege of hearing one another share stories of certain handmade gifts in our lives.

The choir performed “His Name is Wonderful,” “O, Lord Hear My Prayer,” and “Canon of Praise.”

Many thanks to Manny Don who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries:

Being Fed to Feed

On this third Sunday of Easter, we encountered the passage where Jesus reappears to his disciples once again, this time, on the beach. His disciples have gone back to their former professions as fishermen, not knowing what to do now that their leader has died. And in their aimlessness, Jesus gives them (and us) a new call. But what if that new call sounds burdensome? Tune in to learn how to deal with that feeling.

The choir performed “His Name is Wonderful,” “O, Lord Hear My Prayer,” and “Let Us Break Bread Together.”

Many thanks to Jay Swartz who was our liturgist, Michaela Hill who recorded the service, and Grace Amador who was the pianist.

CCLI Copyright and Streaming License: 20197516 & 20197509

To tithe to our congregation to support and strengthen our ministries: