About Us

We are a church family that welcomes and includes all people! We believe that diversity is a blessing and that we are all children of God. We believe that God has called each of us to love God and love our neighbors as God has loved us.


All preaching and teaching is grounded in Scripture, informed by personal experience and tradition, and tested by reason. We believe in God, expressed as the Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The United Methodist Church is part of the church universal. All persons regardless of race, color, national origin, status, or economic condition are welcome to attend our church, receive Holy Communion, and be baptized and admitted into membership. Our United Methodist mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


The heart of our Christian faith is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love. We are all called to minister wherever Jesus would have us work to heal and free others. United Methodists believe in God’s grace, which means the unearned and loving action of God in our daily lives.

In spite of suffering, violence, and evil in the world we assert that God’s grace exists everywhere. Sometimes people call the United Methodist Church “the church of the warm heart” because we have a history of caring about and working to create justice for all people.

In the tradition of John and Charles Wesley, our members study Scripture, encourage thoughtful debate, and confront the tough issues of the day. We still lead with our hearts, keep our minds open, and welcome everyone through our doors.