Join us to mark Holy Week this year with daily devotions, meaningful worship and a celebration of the resurrection with the debut of our virtual choir!
March 28, 2021: PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP with a special dramatic presentation by our Youth and Youth Supporters.
April 2, 2021: GOOD FRIDAY COLLABORATIVE WORSHIP with Rev. Dr. Paula Ferris, Rev. Angela Galains Price, Rev. Paige Eaves, Rev. Karen Tannheimer and our own Rev. Dr. Krista S. Givens.
April 3, 2021 at 5:30PM: HOLY SATURDAY WORSHIP! Join together via Zoom with the Padhar Lutheran Church Easter Sunrise service. Details upcoming.
April 4, 2021: EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP with musical offering from Manny and Margery Don, the Global UMC Virtual Choir and our own Walnut UMC virtual choir!